
ARB Summit Winch Front Bumper – Bronco 2021+


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ARB Ford Bronco Summit Bumper (2021+)

The ARB  Summit  Bumper  is  designed  as  a  full  bumper  replacement  with  4WD  use  in  mind. Compatible with winches  up  to  10,000lb,  it provides  needed  off-road  protection,  twin  jack points,  rated  recovery  points,  while  accommodating  adaptive  cruise  control  and  parking sensors.  The width of  the Summit Bumper  blends  seamlessly  into  the vehicle design, complementing  either  wide or  narrow  fender  flares.


•  Vehicle  specific  design  suits the  2021  Ford  Bronco

•  Compatible with winches  up to  10,000lb

•  Durable,  steel  construction for  maximum  protection

•  Twin jack  points  located  in lower  pan  to  suit  ARB  Jack and  mechanical  jacks

•  Twin forged  bar-mounted  ARB  Rated  8T  recovery  points

•  Wing design  allows  for  a  37”  tire to  be fitted  (suitable suspension lift and  rim  off  set required)

•  Approximate weight  of  the bumper,  chassis  mounts  and  fitting  kit  is  172lb

•  EDP20 Ecoat under  powder  coat  used  for  additional corrosion  resistance •  Finished  in Integrit™  black  textured  powder  coat  (Color  coding  is  not  offered)

•  Suits  ARB  UVP  (PN 5480010)  and  OE  Ford  under  panel •  Suits  the use of  OE  LED  fog  lights

•  Shipping  weight  of  bumper  is  216lb;  shipping  dimensions  are  30x80x40in


Laser  cut provision is  provided  in the pan and  each wing  for  the Original  Equipment front parking  sensors.  OE  parking  sensors  have been mapped  and  their  performance closely replicated  when fitted  to  the  Bronco. The outer  side facing  sensors  are located  approximately  3in  higher,  0.4in  inward  and  4in forward.  Inner  sensors  are located  approximately  0.3in  higher,  1.5in  outward  and  7.5in forward  than the OE  configuration. When fitted  with larger  diameter  tires,  these parking  sensor  positions  and  range  may  also  be affected.  Further  real-world  testing  has  been conducted  evaluating  the operation of  the sensors  against such items  as  trash  cans, parking  posts,  wire fences,  large rocks  and steep  driveway  entrances.  Test  results show that sensor  performance  is  replicated  as  close as  practical  with the change in height of  the sensors  location. Painting  of  parking  sensors  is  not recommended  due to  the potential  unknown effect on the operation  of  the sensors.  Sensor plugs  as  shown in the photos  are included  for vehicles  without parking  sensors.


ARB’s  bumper  for  the  Ford  Bronco  accepts  the OE  LED  fog  light  (when fitted)  in  a  plastic fog  light  housing  in each  wing.  (Standard  Summit  Bumper  setup) For  those  vehicles  without OE  fog  lights,  supplementary  fitting  kit  (PN 3580010)  has  been developed.  The  kit includes  an ARB-developed fog  light  and  wiring  loom.


The Ford  Bronco  is  fitted  with Adaptive Cruise  Control  depending  on the specification.  The ARB  bumper  incorporates  provision for  the relocation of  the radar  unit to  a  position that is 8in  forward,  3in  right  and  5in  higher  than  the OE  position. The standard  OE  Adaptive Cruise Control  cover  and  adjustment  are  retained.   Please ensure that  customers  are aware that  driver  assistance features  are supplemental and  do  not replace the driver’s  judgement.  Full  adaptive cruise control  functions  may  not operate in some  driving  conditions  and  road  conditions  or  adverse weather.

Each  bumper  comes  standard  with two  reinforced  high lift jacking  points  fitted  to  the center pan,  perfect for  use with  the ARB  Jack.

Dual chassis mounted forged 8T recovery points are included. Each recovery point is 8T rated and mounted to the rear bumper chassis mount with 5 x M12 fasteners. The forged recovery point suits either 4.75T bow shackles or ARB soft shackles (PN ARB2018).


The following  winches  fit the 3480010  ARB  Summit Winch  Bumper:   •  Warn M8000,  XD9000,  9.5XP,  9.5XDC  –  fitment  has  not been confirmed.  Control boxes  may  need  to  be relocated.  The winch  body  fits  but control  box  may  not fit under  top pan  press  form   •  Warn ZEON 8,  8-S, 10,  10-S;  ZEON  Platinum  10,  10-S;  VR  EVO  8,  8-S,  10  and  10-S •  Smittybilt Gen2  X20 10K   The ARB  Summit Winch  Bumper  to  suit the Bronco  mounts  the winch in a  feet down orientation.  Control  boxes  can  be left on the winch assembly.  Access  for  the remote is through the top  pan  of  the bumper  and  the clutch handle is  easily  accessed  via  the split pan grill  door  or  through the  open top  pan.